Member-only story
You’re nobody until somebody calls you an enby
If non-binary exists as a category, then no other categories really can.
I don’t mean, “exists” in the objective sense: this is a category defined by what it isn’t much more so than by what it is, a state of non-being. Or of actively not being something, rather than actively being it.
You can’t be it, because its purpose is to contain the undefined, or the undefinable; it is an umbrella term meant for many variations upon queer, transgender/transsexual, genderfluid. And the list goes on. Ultimately it had become clear that such a category was needed, because for some reason genderfluid and genderqueer, in the cultural landscape of the late twenty-teens, just wasn’t going to work anymore.This is because popularly, the language has become increasingly defined and influenced by postmodernism and its pursuit of reordering, recoding and generally undoing the language. Why is this? Because language is power. Language is category. Language is inclusion or exclusion in a society which also conveys, carries, and necessitates category, and postmodernism must work to undo this system as well in order to be carrying out its aims of undoing. Why does it aim to undo? That is another question for another topic. But as the language is, necessarily or not, undone, so too are categories of gender and sexuality, along with many other categories: in this…